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5 tips for better back gains

By Muscle Building

There is a simple equation to building muscle. Adequately intense weight training + eating enough for growth + getting sufficient sleep = muscle growth! But it’s normal to face roadblocks.

In this article, we’re sharing 5 tips to help you grow a stronger, wider back. The tips are from Ganbaru Method’s founder and coach Eugene Teo, from his video on back gains.

1. It’s ok to round your back and shoulders during rows

“Perfect form” and the form police on social media have made many people scared to not have a flat back in every single exercise.

When it comes to rows, however, allowing your upper body to round forward at the starting position gives you a great stretch and allows you to train your muscles in that position. Keeping your shoulder blades locked in position throughout the exercise could limit your range of motion.

2. Cross-body exercises

Most back exercises are done in a straight plane from front to back, which limits your stretch and mobility. By turning to the side slightly in row exercises, you’ll feel it very differently.

By strengthening these cross-body/twisted ranges of motion, you’ll be able to keep that range and increase mobility.

3. Don’t avoid machines

Some people shun machine exercises because they think the stability and support makes them easier — but the stability helps you to lift more weight and create more stimulus.

Machines also offer different resistance that can offer a new challenge to you. For instance, the row machine used above has a plate on the side that moves up and forwards, rather than moving straight up and down vertically. This makes it much more difficult to start the movement as compared to free weights.

4. Use straps

Don’t let your grip limit the amount of weight you lift. It’s not cheating to use straps — you’re allowing yourself to lift heavier and work harder. When using straps, it’s not like you are completely relaxing your fingers and hands — you are still working on your grip.

If it’s something you really want to work on, you can do grip accessory exercises at the end of your workout.

5. Stretch!

Research has shown that stretching can increase potential gains. You don’t have to spend hours on stretching — you can just hold a 30-second stretch and repeat it 3-5 times.

Train with Ganbaru Method for free

You can implement these tips today with tried-and-tested programs on Ganbaru. Click here to enjoy a completely free 7-day trial.

Watch the full video here: